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Welcome to the NEW Legion website...

    This site is still under construction, however, I'm also looking for legion designs, any ideas or pictures you'd like to share can be sent to

September 3, 2012

The purpose of the website:

Everyone has questions, and at some point, everyone needs help. So to better improve the experience of Aion, I've created a legion for any one and everyone that wants to really enjoy the game without having to deal with others that don't have time for, look down on, or down right irritate "noobs." 

The construction of the website:

     I also would like to add that I will not just let this web page sit here. I plan on going all out and leave nothing uncustomized in my never ending pursuit of awesomeness. That being said, I can say YES!, I realize there are currently only 2 pages available. YES! I realize there is next to no content and about half of the content that is available has nothing to do with Aion, the legion, or anything else that we might remotely have an interest in. And YES! I also realize that we have less that 20 people currently in our legion and most likely many of the current members will have no interest in something like this. Those are all very good points to be brought up. My answer is that I am sincerely enjoying the time I've been putting into making all of this work, and I really hope to one day be the leader of a massive legion, the moderator of an excellent website with many followers, and I really want to connect people to make gaming something for everyone to really enjoy. I think people have started to get to serious over virtual worlds, whether its Madden, Call of Duty, or an MMO game. I want to instill the truth of gaming in everyone I can. It's something to enjoy, something to appreciate. Once it becomes a chore, it's probably time to put it away and go do something else. There's to much stress, worry and heartache in the real world to bring it into yours. I know I went of in a tyrant, but I have strong feelings towards video games and their purposes in life. So please dont knock the site because of its total lack of.... everything. I'll be working on it when ever I can and I would really like comments on how to improve the site, what you would like to see, or anything else. This isn't my site after all, its the legions, and I will continue to follow the Legion mission goal which I will type up and post at a later time.

...hits and counting.

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